There are two types of Profiles.
Heating Profiles are used for thermostats
Timer Profiles are for hot water or towel rail type zones.
Benefit of using a Stored profile: Stored Profiles are held in the neoHub and are transferred to the neoStat when applied. A Stored Profile can be applied to multiple zones in your home, dramatically simplifying the programming of your system.
To create a profile,
- Press Profile
- Select Timer Profile
- Enter a Title
- At the top of the screen, tap the day to program
5/2 Day mode - you will see Weekday grouped together
7 Day mode - you will see every day different
24 hour mode - you will see every day grouped
- Now tap the level, you will see either 4 or 6 depending on what you have setup the system to use
- Set the On Time for this level
- Set the Off Timer for this level
- If you don't want to use a level, tap the DELETE button
- Press Next
- Your profile is now stored, ready for use later. Alternatively, you can apply this profile to multiple zones at this point.
- Press Done