A floor probe must go into 1m from the edge of the floor to the floor, halfway between pipes. If it is electric underfloor heating, put it half way between electric elements. Ensure that the probe is not sitting on top of pipes. Fit into a conduit, some piping where the probe can be fitted into. It just makes it easier to pull the probe out later if required. It will also help protect the probe. Put a piece of fixing tap on the end.
Remember the probe is going to measure where it is placed, so if it is sitting near a pipe, it is going to pick that up and therefore rise in temperature and reach it’s limit quickly without warming the floor. Same if it is near other heating sources.
Be aware that rugs or high Togged carpets is going to affect the floor temperature as it will cause it to insulate between the floor and the room.
If you have wood engineered or vinyl flooring, you need a feed a floor probe to protect the floor. This is the same for electric underfloor heating. The floor probe can be set as a limiter.
If you are using underfloor heating in a bathroom, as you cannot have the thermostat inside the bathroom, set the thermostat to read floor temperature. This means that the thermostat will not be influenced by the temperature of the room.
A 10K3A1 probe must be fitted into the floor. However, if a 12K3A1 or a 15K3A1 probe can be fitted if you are using a neoStat V2, a neoStat-e V2 or a neoStat WIFI.
As a rough rule of thumb, if you are setting the temperature based on floor temperature, set the floor temperature around 4°C higher than the room temperature that you want.