1. Mesh Symbol - Displayed when connected to the neoHub.
2. Day Indicator - Displays the day of the week.
3. Frost Protection – Displayed when frost protection is enabled.
4. Flame Symbol – Displayed when the thermostat is calling for heat and flashes when optimum start is active.
5. Holiday – Displayed when the thermostat is in holiday mode.
6. Floor Limit Symbol – Displayed when the floor probe has reached the floor temperature limit configured in the setup menu.
7. Floor/Room Temp - Indicates the displayed sensor mode.
8. Set - Displayed when changes are being made to the current set point.
9. Program Indicator - Displayed during programming (6 level mode) to show which level is being altered.
10. Program Indicator - Displayed during programming (4 level mode) to show which level is being altered.
11. Main Menu - Displays which option is currently selected.
12. Keypad Lock Indicator – Displayed when the keypad is locked.
13. Temperature – Displays the current sensor temperature.
14. Temperature Format - Degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit.
15. Hold Left - Displayed when a temperature hold is active, the remaining time
will be shown.
16. Time/Day/Month/Year - Displays when setting the Clock/Calendar or a
Holiday Period.