First, find another thermostat which is communicating with the UH8-RF wiring centre.
On a working thermostat connected to the same UH8-RF. In other words, if you turn the heating up, the wiring centre responds.
· Using the left/right keys, make sure that the box is over the power icon on the left.
· Press and hold tick until you see ‘SETUP’.
· Tap the tick button once. You will see ‘01’ in the top right corner.
· Press the down arrow twice, you will ‘P2’ in the top right corner.
· Press Tick.
· You will then see two large numbers, two small numbers and two letters.
· It is the large number we are interested in as this is the ‘Channel Number’ of the UH8-RF.
o (The small number is the zone which is being controlled on the UH8-RF, this will be the light which comes on and off when that thermostat calls for heat
o RA is for radiator system.
o UF is for underfloor heating.)
· Press tick until you get back to the original screen.
Then on the thermostat which is not connecting to the UH8-RF
· Using the left/right keys, make sure that the box is over the power icon on the left.
· Press and hold tick until you see ‘SETUP’.
· Tap the tick button once. You will see ‘01’ in the top right corner.
· Press the down arrow twice, you will ‘P2’ in the top right corner.
· Press Tick
· Put in the same two large numbers as the previous thermostat.
· Press tick
· Put in the zone number.
· Press tick
· Put in UF if it is underfloor heating or RA if it is a radiator system.
· Press tick.
You should then see the normal screen.
If you see a house and a snowflake, press tick.
Then use the up arrow and put in a temperature a couple of degrees higher than the room temperature. Then press tick.
You should then see a flame icon on the screen and around 20 seconds later, the zone light should come on the UH8-RF wiring centre.
If that is the case, you will know that it is paired correctly.